Thursday, August 16, 2007

Emergency Bird Care 2

Hold fast to dreams,
for if dreams die,
life is a broken wingedbird that cannot fly.
Langston Hughes


Anonymous said...

This is very sweet! I like your soft textures and colors a lot.

Anonymous said...

so sweet and tender.
the feeling is there, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Good mood!

bee'nme said...

Oh goodness, that was my favorite saying in high school - I think I probably even illustrated it way back in the day...Your illustrtion, I assure you, is much better :o) Seriously, I am loving your work - it is so beautiful!! And this piece is really lovely and has made me fall in love with that quote all over again! Nicely done Trudette!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is so delicate and tender. I love all the paintings in this series, the first Emergency care and the bird by itself. Lovely, subtle colors and brush work, and you always add the most beautiful poems and quotes.

Georgina said...

like always.. your work is so sweet and beautiful!

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Charming! You really created a tender atmosphere here.

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