Monday, August 27, 2007

visitor ( part 2)

At this season I seldom had a visitor.
When the snow lay deepest

no wanderer ventured near my house
for a week or fortnight at a time,
but there I lived as snug as a meadow mouse.
[Henry David Thoreau


Anonymous said...

Very sweet and lovely style. Your sense of colouring is delicate and gentle. Beautiful!

bee'nme said...

Your work never fails to inspire and move me - and your choice of quotes for both your entries this week are simply wonderful!

Scott said...

All of your work has great colors and charming soft style to it.

arxo said...

you gotta love those ears...

lovely illo...

thank you for your comments...

countrygarden said...

very nice work!

Anonymous said...

beautiful, Trudette!


what a funny hat.. very nice mood here!

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