Saturday, May 30, 2009

Innocent child and snow-white flower!

Innocent child and snow-white flower!

Well are ye paired in your opening hour.
Thus should the pure and the lovely meet,
Stainless with stainless, and sweet with sweet.

White as those leaves,
just blown apart,
Are the folds of thy own young heart;
Guilty passion and cankering care
Never have left their traces there.

Artless one!
though thou gazest now
O'er the white blossom with earnest brow,
Soon will it tire thy childish eye;
Fair as it is, thou wilt throw it by.

Throw it aside in thy weary hour,
Throw to the ground the fair white flower;
Yet, as thy tender years depart,
Keep that white and innocent heart.

William Cullen Bryant

Thursday, May 28, 2009

not one , not two , no,.......... three awards

This must be my lucky day :) I received not one , not two , no,.......... three awards today.

Funnely enough it's the same award , I already got from Bellavien.

I am supposed to give the award to 15 bloggers , so that would be 45 in total,
but that will be a bit much ,
so instead of that, I give my 'Blog love' to all the lovely people that read my Blog,
your comments mean a lot to me , I love getting feedback , so thanks to you all.

Here are the 3 Blog friends that gave me the Award :
If you click on the names you can visit their lovely Blogs !

Monday, May 25, 2009

Having a walk with baby 4

Here is the fourth addition to the series,
'having a walk with baby'.
A print is available in my Etsy shop here

Friday, May 22, 2009

Painted lady - Vanessa cardui

We put lots of herbs in our garden to attract butterflies
and it seems to have worked !
beautiful butterflies on the chives ,
it is a real joy to see them enjoying the flowers,
and they did not mind us taking very close-up pictures of them at all.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Having a walk with baby 3

This is the third drawing in the series 'having a walk with baby',
a print of it is for sale in my Etsy Shop here.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sending you some love from our garden

Nothing is more the child of art than a garden.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Inspriration Award

To my surprise a have recieved yet another Award.

Nannieflash surprised me with this lovely Award.She makes beautiful cards and her Blog is very inspiring,why not have a look for yourself at Nannieflash ?

I would like to nominate de Lantaarn to recieve this Inspriration Award from me,her Blog gives you a lovely view of her beautiful house and has lots of inspirational ideas on it.

the rules for this award are: 1) link back to the person who gave it to you; 2) put the picture/award on your blog; 3) you can nominate anyone and as many as you choose; 4) leave a fact that no one knows about you; and 5) leave a comment on the blog that gave you this award.

So I guess I now have te tell somthing about meself nowone knows about ........well here it goes.....'I have never enough hours in one day so sometimes work right through the night.'

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

job finished (decorating weekend-update)

Today I finished the little decorating job I started last weekend.
I have been looking for a chest of drawers like this for ages
and when I saw this one , I just had to have it.
But it needed some paint because I didn't like the gray color it had.
So I painted the commode and I am very happy with the result.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rose Award

Getting an award is always is very nice surprise , and last week a received this lovely gesture from
She gave me this

Rose Award , and I really appriciate it.
Her Blog is is always worth visiting , she lives in Sweden , one of my favorite countries.

But now it is my turn to give this Award to someone that inspires me.

I very much like to give it to Lol met Wol , she has a very inspiring Blog with lots of idea's and lovely crochet.
At the moment she has a great swap going on .

Saturday, May 9, 2009

decorating weekend

This weekend the weather isn't too good ,
but perfect for some indoor decorating ...........
to be continued

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


If there was a hierarchy in things most importend in life,
children en flowers ,
would be at the top of it.

a print of this picture is fore sale in my Etsy shop

Monday, May 4, 2009

Huisje, boompje, beestje..........

April has been a wonderful month , with a lot of sunshine.
Nature gives us so much to enjoy ,
so here's a few little snapsshots,
I want to share with you.

Friday, May 1, 2009

new bag in the shop

This is my latest design, another little giftbag,
I had some spare beads so I incorperated them in this project
Have a look in my Shop where this bag is for sale .
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